Golden Products

Announcing the 2025 Resident Artists!

CONGRATULATIONS to the following 18 artists who will be joining us in 2025!
Rachel Ostrow, Suzanne Unrein, Jacoub Reyes, Tony Shore, Wang Chen, Jeanne F. Jalandoni, Emily Somoskey, Nicole Duennebier, Genevieve Cohn, Kristy Hughes, Kyrin Hobson, Scherezade García, Natalia Sánchez, Barbara Friedman, Vickie Pierre, Kunlin He, Jackie Kazarian and Rodrigo Galecio.

The Residency Program begins in February and will run through mid-November 2025. Each artist is provided individual studio space, a private apartment and shared kitchen housed within an over 100 year old, completely renovated barn, located in Upstate, NY. The uniqueness of the program is that artists are engaged with the staff at Golden Artist Colors, diving deep into materials and pushing the boundaries of their practice! At the end of each 4-week session, artists will open their studios to the public, we hope you’ll join us (March 20, May 22, June 26, August 7, September 18, November 13). The following year, in the spring of 2026, all 18 artists will participate in a gallery show at the Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts!

Thank you to all those who applied this year and to our community supporters of the Golden Foundation!

The application for the 2026 season will open in the summer of 2025!
